Who we are ?

We are a Polish manufacturer of heating and sanitary fittings. We offer series of modern and eye-catching products, available in variety of styles and wide range of colors. As a manufacturer, we can flexibly follow the imaginations of our customers.

As a manufacturer, we can flexibly follow the imaginations of our customers.

We are passionate about creating spaces tailored to specific visions and needs.

Schlosser History

At Schlosser, we are not afraid of challenges. Since 1997, as a company, we have gone through a dynamic transformation from a small manufactory to a leading manufacturer on the Polish market. Our way is a story of success because it was not only written by a business necessity, but by a sincere passion as well. It guaranteed determination, vision and professionalism at different stages of our development.

Throughout the years of our presence on the market, we have been able to remain faithful to our basic concept: we have always - boldly and with conviction - focused on the original design and quality of our products. What's more, we really thought about these features through the prism of the real needs of our customers.

Many years of consistent activities have resulted in effects and feedback that everyone had hoped for: values such as DESIGN, QUALITY, INDEPENDENCE have become synonymous with the Schlosser brand.

A trading company specializing in the distribution of heating accessories is established.in the distribution of heating fittings.
Production of the first thermostatic heads under the Schlösser brand begins.
Specialized research and development laboratory is established.
Further development of the production facilities is progressing, the ISO 9001: 2001 certificate is granted.
Automatyzacja produkcji, otrzymanie certyfikatu Keymark
Opening of a new company headquarters in Pobiedziska.

Reliable producer

Reliability is the basis for the functioning of the company. We build the business authority of Schlosser through many years of work based on unchanging values: responsibility, commitment, relationality and loyalty.

Product quality and compliance

As a manufacturer of heating fittings of the Schlosser brand and of our business partners' own brands, we attach particular importance to the research and development facilities, which provide us with flexibility in design, validation and implementation works and the ability to verify the compliance of products with European reference standards. We confirm the quality of products in our own research laboratory . Comprehensive, high-class laboratory equipment allows us to perform all the tests described in the industry standard PN-EN 215: 2020 and more.

We also verify product quality and compliance in external, accredited research units in the country and abroad.

Stand for testing thermostatic heads in a water bath.

Thermostatic head packaging machine.

Process stability and efficiency

Since 2017, in order to confirm compliance with requirements of the Keymark certification, every year we go through complex audits of the production plant, processes and procedures related to the Factory Production Control. Audits are carried out through notified testing body - WSP Lab in Stuttgart. They’re based on requirements of the European Committee for Standardization CEN / CENELEC: Keymark Scheme Rules for Thermostatic Radiator Valves.

Jako producent wyrobów budowlanych wdrożyliśmy Zakładową Kontrolę Produkcji (ZKP) – system będący gwarancją stałej, znormalizowanej i udokumentowanej kontroli procesów produkcyjnych oraz wyrobów. W codziennej pracy bazujemy na wytycznych Europejskiego Komitetu Standaryzacyjnego CEN/CENELEC: Keymark Scheme Rules for Thermostatic Radiator Valves.

Since 2019, as a supplier of the ADEO Group, we are regularly inspected by independent, accredited auditing bodies in three key areas:

Audyty socjalne – wg międzynarodowego standardu ICS (Initiative for Compliance and Sustainability),
Audyty środowiskowe
– wg międzynarodowego standardu ICS,
Audyty jakościowe
– wg międzynarodowego standardu grupy ADEO.

Responsibility and commitment

Heating&installation sector is one of the leading areas that dynamically adapt to technological progress, economy and climate changes. We support branch education at various levels so that it can keep up with the needs of the modern world.

As a member of OSFIS (Polish Association of Installation and Service Companies) we support project called: # profession of opportunities addressed to students and teachers of installer/plumber profession and active professionals as well. You can read about the details of this multi-faceted initiative here.

We are also involved in cooperation at the academic level. At the Poznań University of Technology, we have launched a patronage testing stand for educational purposes; We offer regular apprenticeship and internships to students.

Having in mind global climate situation, as a producer in the heating sector, we take responsibility for environmental education in the area in our field. We joined the project: 20 degrees for the climate. We strive to sensitize partners and professionals in the sector; students / teachers and end users that temperature regulation is also a manifestation of an ecological approach to the use of Earth's resources. We build awareness that smart heating means saving thermal energy and reduction of CO2 emissions on the one hand, and care for the health of loved ones on the other.

Mając na uwadze ogólnoświatową sytuację klimatyczną, jako producent w branży grzewczej bierzemy odpowiedzialność za edukację ekologiczną w obszarze, w którym sami działamy. Dołączyliśmy do akcji Ciepła Systemowego 20stopnidlaklimatu. Prowadzimy też własną kampanię edukacyjną pod nazwą: wymiana ciepła.

Staramy się uwrażliwiać partnerów i profesjonalistów w branży, branżowych uczniów/nauczycieli oraz finalnych użytkowników, że regulowanie temperatury to także przejaw ekologicznego podejścia do korzystania z zasobów Ziemi. Budujemy świadomość, że mądre ogrzewanie to z jednej strony oszczędności energii cieplnej i realne ograniczanie emisji CO2, a z drugiej dbałość o zdrowie najbliższych. 

According to the philosophy, to start with real activities in the immediate vicinity, we also work locally. We actively support pro-environmental initiatives undertaken in the Pobiedziska commune. You will see examples of specific actions here here.


Our values

Kodeks etyczny i polityka antykorupcyjna

Mając świadomość społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu wobec interesariuszy, klientów, pracowników oraz środowiska wprowadziliśmy kodeks etyczny oraz politykę antykorupcyjną, jako zbiór zasad moralnych, stanowiący spójny i wspólny punkt odniesienia dla wszelkich działań pracowników przedsiębiorstwa niezależnie od wykonywanych zadań i miejsca w strukturze firmy Schlosser.

Pillars of Schlösser Code of Ethics


Jesteśmy wiarygodni, wykonujemy powierzone zadania, realizujemy plany, uczymy się na sukcesach i błędach. Wyznajemy zasadę zera tolerancji dla korupcji.


We are competent, we understand the needs, we exceed expectations, we deliver products in accordance with relevsnt standards and submitted declarations.


We are creative, innovative and enthusiastic. We believe that we have a real impact on the future of the company, business partners and the environment around us.


We take care of good relations inside and outside the company, we cultivate a good atmosphere in our business. We value each other and show each other respect.

Odpowiedzialność społeczna

CSR and environmental policies are our commitment to act in accordance with the highest standards in relations with the widely understood environment inside and outside the company.

The basis of our work are: tolerance and respect for human rights, responsibility in economic life, fair competition and care for the natural environment.

Pillars of Schlösser CSR Policy

Respecting the provisions of national and international law as well as generally accepted rules of business ethics.

Applying transparent business practices based on respect for employees, contractors, stakeholders and the environment.

Caring for the satisfaction of contractors and consumers by providing the level of service and solutions that are of the highest quality and functionality.

Investing in the development of the company only in an environmentally friendly way.

Support for social activities that contribute to building lasting solutions to current social problems.

Ensuring the transparency and accessibility of SH management system documents.

Quality policy

Our goal is to build the company's success based on customer satisfaction. We want to provide customers with inspiration and innovative, comprehensive solutions in the field of heating and sanitary installations. We make every effort to ensure the highest quality and variety of products offered. We strive to make the Schlosser brand a conscious, first choice for business partners and retail clients in the country and on strategic export markets.